
In December 2021, Cindy Herbert reached out to Special Collections and Archives at Trinity University about the prospect of archiving material that she and other members of Learning About Learning had. Herbert and Jarrell made arrangements with University Archivist Abra Schnur to meet in June of 2022 to go over the importance of the organization and the materials they intended to archive with the university.  From that meeting, the three devised a plan that would require significant collaboration on their parts to ensure that the meaning and value of the contents would not be lost on future students, researchers, and other users of the of their collections and the Learing About Learning archives.

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Cindy Herbert with the collection of material she donated to Special Collections and Archives at Trinity University.

The first collection came from Herbet.  Herbert and Jarrell worked to inventory and describe every item that was being donated to provide context around the item or series of items. Herbert's collection consists of projects, publications, and curriculum that chronicle Herbert's professional career. Much of the material was written and designed in partnership with Learning About Learning Educational Foundation and the Texas Alliance of Education and the Arts.

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Archives process meeting.  Left to Right: Abra Schnur, Susan Marcus, Cindy Herbert, and Julia Jarrell.

Later Schnur met with Marcus and Monday on separate occasions, along with Herbert and Jarrell, to discuss the process they had created so far. As Jarrell worked on her own collection, she and Herbert assisted the others in prepapring their collections for transfer and donation to the archives.

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Julia Jarrel and Susie Monday with their collections they had donated to the archives.

Wanting to find ways to highlight the material coming in, Schnur inquired to faculty member Dr. Lauren Turek on the possibility of Learning About Learning being the digital exhibit focus of her public history class in the spring of 2023. Throughout the summer and fall semester of 2022, Schnur kept in contact with the four women so that they were apprised of progress on collections processing.  During this time she recieved two additional collections of Jarrell and Monday.

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Cindy Herbert's collection after Abra Schnur physically processed the material.

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Cynthia Herbert, Julia Jarrell, and Susie Monday speaking with a the public history class in the spring of 2023.

In January 2023, the LAL women met with Schnur, Turek and Special Collections Librarian Colleen Hoelscher to discuss how the semester would go with the digital exhibit.

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David Pipes with his one-man band instrument Boom Boom that he would play as Sing-Along-Dave at Learning About Learning events.

[Text about David Pipes collection]