Concilium Mexicanum Provinciale III

The Concilium Mexicanum Provinciale III was published in 1770 in Mexico City, Mexico, making it one of the more recent objects in this exhibit. Now, you may think this object’s journey to San Antonio was a relatively short one given the proximity to the border. However its provenance (in other words, its record of ownership) is incredibly rich. While we do not know the exact order of the various previous owners, several of them left their mark on the book.

The Catholic Church printed this book, which is why several words (along with the edges of the book) are printed red, one of the Catholic liturgical colors which symbolizes love, charity, and martyrdom. Generally, bookmakers printed words in red for emphasis.

After opening the book, you will be greeted by a bookplate from the Watkinson library at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, which houses the institutions’ rare books and special collections and their college archives. Following this, there is a stamp from the Astor Library located in the East Village, Manhattan, a research library that opened to the public in 1854, although its books were never in circulation. The Astor library was consolidated and effectively shut down in 1895.

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 Stanley… Cup?  As noted by the bookplate, Sydney Stanley gifted this book to the Watkinson Library. Additionally, the Trinity College Repository contains a collection of his papers. Stanley was a resident of Hartford and served as a clerk of the Connecticut legislature.

Additionally, there is a pencil inscription from the Ziegler library, very likely a reference to book dealer Jesse A. Ziegler in Austin, Texas, who also left a note in the book. Ziegler’s bookshelf was a member of the Texas State Historical Association and does not appear to exist anymore—but there is a F.C. Ziegler Co. store location in Austin. This book reveals the journeys so many objects take before arriving at a particular collection.

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A slip of paper from Ziegler's bookstore, owned by dealer Jesse A. Ziegler.

Inside the book...