Iuuenalis: Fine Details

This book is special in that it exhibits elements of both medieval manuscripts and early printed volumes. While both front and rear covers have become unbound, the binding style suggests a modern technique commissioned by a wealthier owner. Handwritten medieval manuscript initials contrast with more modern woodcuts. Latin writing suggests the scholarly influence of the Catholic Church, and yet commentary within the work implies that this book contained content that differed from traditional religious prints. The colophon itself dates the book as well, as modern texts do not place the title and publisher information page at the rear. 

Woodcut and Colophon

This page contains an intricate woodcut, bearing the artist’s initials. This page also contains the colophon, which provides information about the book’s binding, ink, and general manufacturing. 

Iuuenalis commentary and marginelia

This page contains a variety of interesting characteristics. First, you might notice that there are two manuscript initials in red ink. There is also a larger text in the right hand corner that is actually the original text of a different work, and the smaller text offers a commentary on that work. The text in the margin may potentially have served as headers.

Dealer notes

This page contains book dealer pencil notes indicating a $1000 price tag. It also contains pencil marks from a potential previous owner dating back to June 6th, 1781.

Manuscript initials

This image shows two cases of manuscript initials in which a large letter in red ink is hand drawn over a hanging printed letter. Imagine the planning that had to go in just to separate this letter!