Argumenta Satyratum Iuuenalis per Antonium

Iuuenalis gold dentelle.jpg

Iuuenalis Binding

The Iuuenalis cum Tribus Commentariis Videlicet Ant. Mancinelli, Domitii Calderini et Georgii Vallæ. Argumenta Satyratum Iuuenalis per Antonium is a 1492 incunabula written by Joannes Tacuinus de Tridino. This copy is in fairly rough condition despite efforts to preserve the text. Both the front and rear covers have become unbound, exposing the marbled paper within, and the thin gold dentelle is unraveling. Book dealer notes along with older dates written in the first page of the book suggest a history of exchanging hands. Water damage, fingerprint smudges, and small holes have also taken a toll on this book. The colophon remains intact, as its location in the back of the book protected it throughout the years.

Argumenta Satyratum Iuuenalis per Antonium